+ 2024 + RECAP +
Another great year on newgrounds! Very happy to see this site still kickin’ after all this time.
First off, what have I been up to?
I made 26 Art Posts this year! This is a personal best for besides 2021 which doesn’t count! (lol)
Some of my favorites this year:
I also joined 2 newgrounds collabs, and it was my first time ever joining one! Was a lot of fun, and will definitely be joining more next year. Here they are:
How about outside of art?
I finally turned 18! Honestly, still feels really odd to be an “adult.” I also moved into college, which is probably the other biggest difference this year! Been interesting trying to adapt to the college lifestyle! I also started taking anti-depressants, which so far, have been working wonders! Probably the best mental state I’ve been in forever.
I read some great books this year, my favorites being East of Eden and Slaughterhouse V. Both are very unique and worth checking out! For games, I beat Elden Ring, and it’s DLC with no summons, I beat Nine sols, which is a great indie, I beat Ascension 20 in Slay the spire which was fun, and I beat Bloodborne!
Here’s a look at my updated top games:
I hit 100 followers on newgrounds! This doubled my followers from last year, and then I gained like 30 more! Very happy with my accounts progress! I got 3 frontpages, (5 if you count collabs) which was very cool! Check them out here:
And as always, a ton of good art was posted here! These are my favorites, that inspired me to continue to improve!
would love if you supported these artists!
All in all, I had a good year! I want to give a super special thanks to @LunarCollect and @FOUREYEDMAN. These guys have always supported me here and I’m super glad to have them as friends! Just want to thank them for being here ❤️
Goodluck to everyone this next year! Hope to see Newgrounds thrive!